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COFFEE POT (Homonym Game)

A homonym is a word that sounds like another word but is spelled differently, for example, "be" and "bee", or "to", "too" and "two". There are lots of them in the English language. I learned a party game once called Coffee Pot, that required one person to use two homonyms in the same sentence, and then say the sentence, replacing the two homonyms with the words "Coffee Pot". The other person or persons then had to try to figure out what the two missing words were. For instance, if a person makes a sentence, "Coffee Pot some coffee into those Coffee Pot people's cups," you would guess "pour" (or "poor", pronounced the same, of course) to make the sentence, "Pour some coffee into those poor people's cups."

Sometimes a homonym can be comprised of more than one word. For example "around" and "a round" are two different "words" and are therefore homonyms. Also note the acceptable use of adding endings to word: Coffee Pots, Coffee Potted, Coffee Potting, etc.

See if you can guess the homonyms in the following sentences. Be on guard though. I might use approximate homonyms, such as using "lyin'" and "lion" in the sentence, "I think you were Coffee Pot when you said you saw a Coffee Pot in the jungle." You can click on the words "Coffee Pot" when you are ready to reveal the answers to a sentence. (You must have Javascript enabled to see the answers.)

There is a great variety in difficulty. Some you will undoubtedly get immediately upon reading them. I'd be willing to wager a bet (and I won't "abet" on that) that there are some that you won't figure out no matter how long you think about them.

I Coffee Pot the race because I came in number Coffee Pot.

Come over Coffee Pot so I can Coffee Pot you better.

I am too Coffee Pot to go Coffee Pot around in a hang glider today.

Pay the Coffee Pot so you can ride the bus to the Coffee Pot.

Coffee Pot you see if papa is done splitting the Coffee Pot.

I wonder Coffee Pot the Coffee Pot will be okay for our camping trip.

I was feeling pretty Coffee Pot last Coffee Pot.

The Coffee Pot to get the right amount is to Coffee Pot it out.

That's an interesting shirt, but Coffee Pot would you Coffee Pot it.

The Coffee Pot says I can Coffee Pot years to my life if I use their herbal supplements.

I can't believe I Coffee Pot all Coffee Pot pieces of the pizza.

The reason he Coffee Pot money is that he is so Coffee Pot in his attitude toward work.

Don't Coffee Pot on the Coffee Pot plant. Somebody may want to pick those.

How many Coffee Pots in that movie have you Coffee Pot?

A Coffee Pot without fur would be very Coffee Pot.

I hope you don't Coffee Pot, but we Coffee Pot all the diamonds out of the ground.

I Coffee Pot not know how much money is Coffee Pot him.

There is Coffee Pot way to Coffee Pot if there is life on other planets.

Coffee Pot believe you have very pretty Coffee Pots.

Is that iron Coffee Pot, Coffee Pot is that just a plain old rock.

If I have Coffee Pot dollars that's good enough Coffee Pot me to buy lunch.

If you're hungry have a Coffee Pot of Coffee Pots.

Coffee Pot might have to Coffee Pot robes before it does performances.

The golfer with the Coffee Pot swing Coffee Pot off in a few minutes.

Will you get Coffee Pot to singing in Coffee Pot.

(Here's a cute one.) If there had been one more person on Gilligan's Island, then the Coffee Pot might Coffee Pot you.

Would you rather eat Coffee Pot cob or an Coffee Pot.

I don't know if they allow gambling in Coffee Pot, so it might be hard to find a Coffee Pot there. (Remember: We allow approximate homonyms.)

Coffee Pot person with little credit might have trouble getting Coffee Pot if he is Coffee Pot.

It may come to Coffee Pot where you may have to Coffee Pot someone to get the job done.

The Coffee Pot may Coffee Pot picture today.

Coffee Pot of me likes to make Coffee Pot, but that is Coffee Pot from my usual activities.

Can your mathematician dad take time away from calculating Coffee Pots to Coffee Pot your loan.

If it washes Coffee Pot then you will find it on Coffee Pot, of course.

Don't Coffee Pot the person who is putting Coffee Pot on your boat.

I'll Coffee Pot with you as soon as I'm done putting Coffee Pot on my hotdog.

I was looking at the Coffee Pot and said, "That's a real Coffee Pot!" (Slang is okay, too!)

Coffee Pot may Coffee Pot at any moment to challenge you.

In days of Coffee Pot Coffee Pot automobile would have been a horse carriage.

His Coffee Pots are Coffee Potting their differences over the will.

It is Coffee Pot that some fabrics are so easily Coffee Pot.

Don't Coffee Pot that Coffee Pot with the ancient inscriptions.

Throw those bamboo Coffee Pots down the Coffee Pot.

Do you think that bird will Coffee Pot on top of the Coffee Pot pole?

You will experience a lot of Coffee Pot if you break that window Coffee Pot.

Coffee Pot respond to the Coffee Pot of your family.

The bucks will Coffee Pot while the Coffee Pot teach their young.

Do not Coffee Pot! Did you use Coffee Pot in making the soap?

The criminal musician will use his Coffee Pot to buy a Coffee Pot.

Will it Coffee Pot during the Coffee Pot of that king of the desert kingdom?

Can you Coffee Pot the other supermarket's price on Coffee Pots.